
Saturday, August 3, 2013


     The little grandmother who didn't get a computer until the age of 60!  The one who found out there was such a thing as a "BLOG!"  I secretly followed so many gifted writers & only God knew that I wanted so badly to write a blog myself!

      This very year, 2013, a little lady over in Fremont, California, Barbie Hernandez Swihart +My Freshly Brewed Life  saw me & felt led of the Lord to help me get started! 

       Remember me?  I was the one who was going to IMPROVE in all the areas of my life.  Then, March7, I realized I had messed up, not seeking God first with my plans.  By April 28th, I got my "want to" back! 

        Throughout all of these three posts and since, I admit, I have had a PARALYZING FEAR!  I can quote to you, "There is (no fear) in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18.
      The question is, a fear of what?  Writing?  Writing comes naturally for me. Wait until I can start taking pictures and finally learn how to post them on my blog!  I was given a new phone today!  Me, with a SmartPhone?  (a shout out to my sweet "Fluttering Sharon!"
          I don't even KNOW what I am afraid of!  It's just a tactic of the enemy! I do know that!  John 10:10  "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

               I read a beautiful quote from Denise J. Hughes, blog writer at  "Writers overcome their fears when they do one thing:  BEGIN."

         One thing I would love to show you, is a picture of my many binders!  I have one for (every cause) that comes to my mind.  My newest one is my "WRITING BINDER."  This has posts I have collected from many bloggers who have merely spoken into my life with their words! 
              Today is just my day to BEGIN AGAIN!  This is a familiar word to me.  God and I use it quite too many times in my journal.
BEGIN:  To do the first part of an action.  To arise, to have a starting point.  To take the first step.  Starting implies to first actions, steps or stages taken.

A good formula given here:  1) Acknowledge where you are really at.  2) Repent.  3) Begin again.

               I think I will just take God at His Word.  Is. 41:13, He tells me, "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'do not fear, I will help you.' "

          In June 2013 Mandy Scarr wrote a wonderful post on "Kicking Fear To The Curb."  She said, " I'M NOT GOING TO CONTINUE TO ALLOW THE ENEMY OF THIS LIFE PARALYZE ME FROM STEPPING OUT, FROM MOVING FORWARD, FROM TRULY LIVING."       
          ME TOO MANDY!

             Hope I haven't rambled on too much here.  This is just an attempt to make straight paths for my feet, to acknowledge where I am really at.  I have a strong conviction about honesty and being for real.  I have a story to share. My heart goes out to young mothers of small children in overwhelming conditions.  I've been there, done that! I can testify that God will see us through anything!  He is no respector of persons.

                    In closing, would you pray with me?  Heavenly Father, would you touch and use (this vessel) to write to reach someone who may be discouraged or going through a difficult time.  May my words bring them hope in knowing that YOU are always with us, and you love us just like we are; fragile, sometimes literally broken, under much pressure with responsibilities. But YOU, OH GOD!  You are able to make us over again, for YOU are the Potter and we are the clay!  (Jer. 18:3-6)