
Saturday, August 3, 2013


     The little grandmother who didn't get a computer until the age of 60!  The one who found out there was such a thing as a "BLOG!"  I secretly followed so many gifted writers & only God knew that I wanted so badly to write a blog myself!

      This very year, 2013, a little lady over in Fremont, California, Barbie Hernandez Swihart +My Freshly Brewed Life  saw me & felt led of the Lord to help me get started! 

       Remember me?  I was the one who was going to IMPROVE in all the areas of my life.  Then, March7, I realized I had messed up, not seeking God first with my plans.  By April 28th, I got my "want to" back! 

        Throughout all of these three posts and since, I admit, I have had a PARALYZING FEAR!  I can quote to you, "There is (no fear) in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18.
      The question is, a fear of what?  Writing?  Writing comes naturally for me. Wait until I can start taking pictures and finally learn how to post them on my blog!  I was given a new phone today!  Me, with a SmartPhone?  (a shout out to my sweet "Fluttering Sharon!"
          I don't even KNOW what I am afraid of!  It's just a tactic of the enemy! I do know that!  John 10:10  "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

               I read a beautiful quote from Denise J. Hughes, blog writer at  "Writers overcome their fears when they do one thing:  BEGIN."

         One thing I would love to show you, is a picture of my many binders!  I have one for (every cause) that comes to my mind.  My newest one is my "WRITING BINDER."  This has posts I have collected from many bloggers who have merely spoken into my life with their words! 
              Today is just my day to BEGIN AGAIN!  This is a familiar word to me.  God and I use it quite too many times in my journal.
BEGIN:  To do the first part of an action.  To arise, to have a starting point.  To take the first step.  Starting implies to first actions, steps or stages taken.

A good formula given here:  1) Acknowledge where you are really at.  2) Repent.  3) Begin again.

               I think I will just take God at His Word.  Is. 41:13, He tells me, "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'do not fear, I will help you.' "

          In June 2013 Mandy Scarr wrote a wonderful post on "Kicking Fear To The Curb."  She said, " I'M NOT GOING TO CONTINUE TO ALLOW THE ENEMY OF THIS LIFE PARALYZE ME FROM STEPPING OUT, FROM MOVING FORWARD, FROM TRULY LIVING."       
          ME TOO MANDY!

             Hope I haven't rambled on too much here.  This is just an attempt to make straight paths for my feet, to acknowledge where I am really at.  I have a strong conviction about honesty and being for real.  I have a story to share. My heart goes out to young mothers of small children in overwhelming conditions.  I've been there, done that! I can testify that God will see us through anything!  He is no respector of persons.

                    In closing, would you pray with me?  Heavenly Father, would you touch and use (this vessel) to write to reach someone who may be discouraged or going through a difficult time.  May my words bring them hope in knowing that YOU are always with us, and you love us just like we are; fragile, sometimes literally broken, under much pressure with responsibilities. But YOU, OH GOD!  You are able to make us over again, for YOU are the Potter and we are the clay!  (Jer. 18:3-6)


  1. Yay! So proud of you. Keep writing. It will get easier. Hugs!

    1. Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! I may not be able to write every day like you do, but I'm gonna do better! I am just elated over the victory over the enemy that had me so bound! God is good!

  2. Your blog is looking great, sweet Helen. So fresh and pretty :)
    I know exactly why you have fear!! The enemy has instilled fear in your heart because you intend to praise God through your blog. You've become a real threat to the devil.
    That fear hasn't come from the Lord, so it's important to just keep sharing the messages and the scriptures that God gives you. You're a blessing, my friend.
    Love, Debbie

    1. Thankyou Debbie for your encouragement! You are so right! I admire your wisdom & your example of what a beautiful blog is! You are so dear to me!

  3. So happy to see another post here! I relate to having fear as a companion. But your advice is good: Begin anyway. If fear has to tag along with us for a season, he'll just have to come along for the ride because we're not going to be held back. God is mightier than any fear the devil can send. Keep this up, Helen! Love you.

  4. Been too long coming Lisa! You just don't know how much you & all the other bloggers I follow inspire me EVERY DAY! I want to be like you all so bad! But I do realize I just have to be myself! Thanks Lisa!

  5. Helen!

    Ok.. I need to go on record with something VERY selfish: I need women like you in my life. I do. I am 44 now. 4 years til the empty nest and.. I have no family. I had a very dysfunctional childhood and all of the older people/women in my life are either dead or never were around. SO! I need to hear your wisdom. I need your see fear and watch you fight to overcome. I need to know there's a way to walk this walk at any age. So please. Stay our here with us? We need your voice. Bless you Sister.

    1. You have blessed me today Lorretta with your openness! You are my confirmation that there is somebody out there I, with so many others can encourage, inspire, & motivate! God Bless you Loretta @ Dancing on the Dash!

  6. Helen, I remember you!! And I am so happy and grateful that you are beginning again! I agree with Debbie. Your fear is a tool of the enemy to prevent you from doing what God has clearly called you to do: Glorify Him in this place! Helen, only YOU can tell YOUR story. No other blogger can tell about how God is working in YOUR life! Your fear is another evidence that what you have to say will make an impact for God. That you have wisdom and encouragement to share. We need to hear your story just as much as you need to tell it. God will give you the strength and courage you need. I look forward to hearing more from you. But don't feel pressure to post every day, or even every week. Post when God lays a message on your heart and trample that nagging fear. Each time you do, that fear will become weaker and be replaced with the peaceful assurance that you are walking in God's will. I love your beautiful heart!

  7. Thankyou Lauren so very much for coming by my blog! I certainly follow your work! Thankyou for your encouragememt, which is so needed! Thankyou for the kind words Lauren!

  8. Helen, I'm popping over from better writer. Just in reading the brave words you wrote here- I'd say that you've conquered the hardest part of fear-acknowledging it and letting others know so they can come along side you. I read your about note. I applaud you for your courage in caring for your son. My sister-in-law, who is 60 now, spent every day of her life with her mama until my mother-in-law died 5 years ago. She is now in a group home and doing very well. I wish my MIL had been able to express herself- it would have been so helpful to so many in the same situation. You tell your story we all want to hear it and learn. I'm in the same boat as you, I'm 60, a grandmother, and I write. Let's write what the Lord gives us to share with the younger generation! Lorretta is right, we need to write it and they need to read it. Nancy

    1. Nancy! Hi! So nice of you to encourage me so! You are so right. I will continue to do what the Lord gives me, as I really cannot do anything of myself! I'm gonna check you out too!

  9. AWESOME!!! I am so glad, Helen!!
    I will be praying for you! We NEED your voice, sweet friend!

    1. Thanks Meredith! You & Razella mean so much to me. I aim to eventually hook back up with you guys on Wed or Thurs. whichever day it is, accountable day!

  10. Helen - thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog! Awesome that you are following your dreams and writing in this space - proud of you!! :)

  11. Kristin, such a blessing for you to comment here! This is such a wonderful & supportive community to be in. I am so thankful to have met you. Thankyou for your encouragement.

  12. Helen, write away! No need for fear. This is your online home and your place to share what you want and what is on your heart! So proud of you!!!

    1. Thankyou Kim! Means so much to me for you to come by.

  13. Good for you Helen! The hardest thing is to ...just write! We have many of the same blogging friends and I know they are so supportive and encouraging. Barbie and I met face to face several years ago when she was visiting friends in Phoenix. She's wonderful. And Denise Hughes is such a great writer and teacher. I read her book which was very helpful. I also follow her mother's blog.

    Blessings and love,

    1. Thankyou Debbie for your encouraging words. You just don't know how much I look up to you, as your group is right there on my left everymorning. You are always writing such beautiful posts & sharing such great things!
