
Thursday, March 7, 2013


          In all actuality and honesty, I don't have a problem with saying, "I AM SORRY!"  It's just when I have to get up before a group of people to repent, and like this, before the whole blog world!  I am a little intimidated!

         I know your ears are perked up now!

            As Job said, "For the thing which I greatly feared (is come upon me) and that which I (was afraid of) is come unto me."  Job 3:25

               2012 was my first year on the internet.  I know, I'm a late bloomer!  I got so overwhelmed by all the blogs, the information  and suggestions given on resolutions and goals.  The year drizzled on down and my goals did too!  Thankfully I was doing the basics.

                So with that experience, I was determined to not let that happen again this year!  I so carefully looked at the ideas that came from all of the bloggers I read. (which are many!)  Even in my choice of yearly Bible readings, I was not going to get "caught up" in the popular. I wanted to go at a slower pace. My goal is to retain what I read, not in checking off a checklist. My ultimate goal is to know God better through His Word.  For I have been reading through the Bible for quite a while now.   Infact, today is my 38yr. spiritual birthday!

                  It wasn't many days and weeks that I realized that I had "gotten in over my head!"   Again!   I bit off more than I could chew!  I had joined too many groups; all good endeavors, good company, but too much!

             Why could I have not met Pastor Greg Simas from my mentor, Barbie@ My Freshly Brewed Life's Church; Convergence House Of Prayer.  Pastor Greg wrote a post on his blog, "My One Pursuit" on Dec. 31, 2012.  "How I Am Setting Goals This Year." 

              This post was speaking directly to me, although I didn't run-up-on-it until the last of February!  In his post, he is talking about making goals and taking small consistent steps to get there.  My "lightbulb moment" was when he said, "Asking the Lord what He wants you to do in 2013 and how He wants to co-labor with you to see it done is vital!"

                     I  (DID NOT) consult the Lord on this.  I really didn't!   How well I know, "For we are laborers together (with God!)!  1 Cor.3:9a

               I also know Jeremiah said,  "I know O Lord that the way of man is not (in himself), that it is not (in man) who walks to direct his step."

                For God promises in Ps. 32:8  "(I) will instruct you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."

                 I first, did not consult God.  Second, I didn't sit down and count up the cost.  In Luke 14:28  "For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?"

                  That is how I have messed up!  I am so Godly sorry.  I have repented to God and He has forgiven me.  God is the very one who has opened the door for me to have a blog.  "Without Him, I can do nothing!" John 15:5.
                  I want to live a life of honesty and integrity, not only at church, but behind closed doors and now on this (PRECIOUS) blog given to me!

                    God is showing me how to go about the list of goals (I  MADE) and we are weeding through it. I will be writing of my new agenda very soon.  I realize now, I was TRYING TOO HARD in my own strength, muscling my own way!                 


  1. Great post, Helen. We all have to start somewhere. Don't be too hard on yourself. The Lord knows your heart. I'm always amazed how time and time again God comes through with just the right amount of time available or just the right thought at just the right moment - but why should I be amazed? We give our requests over to Him in prayer and He allows us to accomplish all that He wants us to :)
    Blessings to you!

    1. Thankyou Debbie! Your words mean much to me! Thankyou for your encouragement the other day!

  2. I already know that His way in His time is the best, but the flesh is weak sometimes. I had a whole list of things I wanted from the year, but it was set aside, and now I know that He is waiting for me to listen to His voice because His plan is way better than mine.

    I'm so excited for you in your blog journey, and nice to see that we are "neighbors". ;)

    1. Thankyou Joyce for coming by! I must find out "where you are!" I too, know His voice is the main one I am to be listening for! I must have been having a "senior moment!"

  3. Replies
    1. Oh Mrjar! My FlySister! One day I will get like you! You go off & say you are going to write your blog, then (before long!) THERE IT IS! You are amazing! Thankyou so much for coming by!

  4. Your blog is great! It's so easy to get in over my head, too, and God often has to draw me in and knock some things off my list. I think it's great that this early into your internet experience, you've already recognized how time-consuming it can be. There's just so much good stuff here, so many encouraging sermons, so many friends, so many articles and posts and videos that speak to where I am in that moment, that it's hard to weed through the stuff sometimes and set limits. I applaud you for inviting God into how you'll spend your time and effort. :) It's been great to get to know you.

  5. Christie! How nice of YOU to come by, from SO FAR AWAY! And you are recuperating! I know what you mean about all the blogs! I just be in tears so many days, as God speaks to my heart through their words. I am so thankful to God for this means of communication! Two years ago I didn't even know of it! Lol! You take care of yourself & get your strength back!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Yay, I found you. Great post. I too jumped in without consulting wtih God as to what to do and where to go. I get so caught up in the different blogs that I get distracted from what He wants, which was recently revealed to me. GET IN MY WORD BETH. So, on that not, I'll see ya.

    1. Beth, I'm glad you found your way over here! It's so easy to get caught up in "all the good stuff!" He just wants to be first! If I knew how to put a song on, I would have put "How He Loves", by the Dave Crowder Band. Have you heard it? It's beautiful.

  8. It is so easy to get caught up in planning and goal-making, and to forget to consult the One who already has a plan for us. I struggle with this a lot. But God is always faithful to forgive and help and bring me back to the path I should be traveling.

    1. Tracie, Thankyou so much for dropping by my space! So looking forward to getting to know you better! I thank God for meeting you on my path! Be blessed!

  9. What a great reminder, Helen. Thanks for being so real and open.
    Kristen from and

    1. Oh my goodness, Kristen! How nice to see you have come by my little place! I have just newly ran up on you, and so enjoying your work! Thankyou so much for yhour encouragement!

  10. Love your honesty Helen. There are so many seemingly good things for us to join in on but not everything is a part of our individual assignment.

  11. Thankyou Wanda! I certainly have learned this mistake this year! But I have learned valuable lessons I wouldn't trade for anything!
