
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday With Kim

Weighing-in, the numbers are not what attracted me to this FB group!  Last year, I do have the date written down, infact I do believe I even made copies of Kim's post which originally drew me to Kim!  It was her openness, her forthrightness, and her inviting me to come and be accountable on Wednesdays!  I had difficulty leaving comments for her, so I never really commited myself! But every week I would keep seeing Kim sharing of her good weeks & honestly of her bad weeks! Then, Kim was taking it to a new level; a FB Group Page, and if that wasn't enough, she started a FB Group Page for our Morning Time! God was using this woman "for the kill" of Helen!  For the bottom line here is that people like me do not want to die to the flesh!  I have so many evil tendencies to take the shortcut, underdo, cheat, lie to myself as well as others. And I found that the LORD "desires truth in the inward part, and in the hidden part."  He wants me to find the wisdom I need. 
Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart. (Ps. 51:6)
I have wanted to delete my name from the groups, not wanting to be the weak link of the group!  But God, would not have it so! Everyday, I find myself running to look at the successes of others, the delightful recipes these women are finding because they want a change!   So, this Wednesday, the 16th day of January, 2013 I would like to recommit to the goal of becoming healthy, because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Jesus paid a great price for me & I owe Him the honoring of my body. 
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price.Therefore honor God with your bodies. (1 Cor. 6:19)
I again, recommit to making healthier choices of eating, drinking at least 8 cups of water daily, walking at least 5 days a week, finding some kind of exercise.  Today I weigh in at 180lbs.


  1. Helen, I am so excited about your blogging journey. So thankful that God allowed me to help you get you started! Happy blogging!

  2. You have a blog!!! So excited to see this, Helen. I know God will use it to bring him glory because I know that's where your heart is. Love you!

  3. Helen! First of all, I LOVE your new blog!!!! Second, I am so so glad you are a part of our community of friends!!!! We ALL fail at times, have setbacks, and make poor choices. Me at the top of that list. So honestly, the blog posts and starting the FB groups came out of a somewhat selfish need/desire to find accountability and encouragement. Iron does sharpen Iron.... and so we must spur one another along. I LOVE the gals in our community and am so so thankful for each and every one.... including YOU! Believe in yourself Helen. Choose you over the bad food choices or the laziness. Stick with it and don't give up! The enemy will be tempting you along the way. Wear your armor against Him and stand strong!!!! I'm so so proud of you. LOVE your blog and can't wait for your next post. {hugs}

  4. I am so glad you are a apart of our Facebook group Helen! So happy that you decided to blog too. I even see Lisa of Lisa Notes wrote a comment. :) Welcome to our bloggy world.

    Blessings and love,

  5. Wow - I'm SO excited to see where your new blogging venture will take you! It looks beautiful over here. Congratulations to you, Helen!
    Be blessed, my friend :)

    1. Debbie, thankyou so very much for checkingme out! This is a big day for me! You have been one of my favorite mentors for such a long time now. You have so influenced my life! I just want to make you proud!

  6. God bless you, sister Helen!

    Am I able to join your groups? :-)

    To God be the Glory!

    ---Gina Marie

  7. Good morning Sister Tisdale,
    I'm really excited for your leadership and commitment to going higher with God. This blog is outstanding!!!! Keep up the good work. <3 Sister Stevens
