The Bible even instructs us to always continue in good. "...continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of because you know those from whom you learned it." (2 Tim. 3:14)
In my experience of caring for my son with special needs for the past 39 yrs., quitting, abandoning, leaving, nor stopping was ever an option. I didn't know anything else to do, but continue.
Two weeks ago, I wrote my first blog post regarding my commitment to be a part of this journey in becoming healthy. Last week I was attacked by that flu-virus going around. It literally knocked me to my knees. I had no choice other than go to bed, then SLOWLY recuperate! Due to my age, my immune system being completely depleted, having diabetes, blood sugars going haywire because of the foreign germs within my body and at war with each other.
Good also came out of this; I lost my appetite. Thought I would have lost a pound or two, but NOT! A continual thirst was birthed & ever since, I have easily been able to maintain my 8c. water per day. I have even noticed my appetite being curbed, not desiring to binge late at night.
I couldn't resume walking until this Monday. Weather permitting, I will get in my 5 days of walking.
Someone profoundly said, "IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, YOU PLAN TO FAIL!" Strategic planning is what I've been weak in. I've noticed comments on the FB group page of many who are realizing meals and snacks must be planned in advance to be successful. Careful planning for me would disavow my temptation to eat the wrong thing, making for healthier decisions.
Another planning device is my food journal. This is another area I have become slack in. A food journal can be so helpful to find your patterns of eating, the reasons & emotions behind it, if you are honest in recording every bite you put in your mouth. It is a place for personal accountability; which is no more than telling on yourself with explanation. A food journal can be such a good barometer of where I really am at! It won't lie to you!
So, this week girls, I continue after an interruption. I get right back in the game. Sickness may have knocked me for a loop, but I am so encouraged, renewed, energized and rejuvenated. I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated!
(photo credit)
The scale is still at 180 lbs. But with more careful planning and continuing what I know to do, I know that I will be seeing change soon!
I'm linked up with Kim for Weigh In Wednesdays.