
Sunday, April 28, 2013


          This year is the SIXTH TIME I have attempted to read/study/digest Lysa Terkeurst's book, MADE TO CRAVE since buying it in 2011.  I so relate with her words in the first chapter, "It's not the "how to" I am missing. It's the "want to....really wanting to make changes and deciding that the results of those changes are worth the sacrifice."
          I found that this was scriptural!   "Not in your own strength, for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you (energizing and creating in you the power and desire) both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight." (Phil. 2:13)

            Some weeks ago I started to notice a real "want to" to make so many right choices.  The same week this was noticeable to me I received an appointment to have an ultra sound taken of my arteries, which they had been wanting to check since 5 years ago, when they saw a narrowing occurring.  They immediately saw that placque had built up, but unable to see the extent without taking further testing.  Ever since then, we have had insurance obstacles.

             As soon as these negative results came I went through an escalation of emotions.  The worst was the fear I had to immediately fight.  When fear grips you, it is just like the Bible says, in 1John 4:18 "......fear hath torment!"  The greatest description  I have always experienced with fear is the feeling of paralyzation.  I am not worried about my condition of my heart. I have simply been worried about the care of my precious son whom I take care of.

                      ENOUGH   ABOUT   THAT!

                     What I want to share with you is how God has just been so loving & concerned about me!  My Hello Morning group has been studying on hope and for one entire week we had scriptures on fear, just what I needed!  It seemed like every other blog was dealing with the issue of fear.  All my church programs on tv were preaching or teaching on how to fear not!  My Hiding His Word Group has been memorizing Psalms 71 which has many comforting verses directly to my situation. And my Pastor Lawrence Montgomery speaks right into my life with a Rhema Word! 

                 RIGHT HERE is where I would interject a picture of my binder I made.  I am a visual person.  The cover says, MY BELIEF  SYSTEM.   The verse underneath this title is  "we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written, 'I believed and therefore have I spoken'  we also believe and therefore speak."  (2 Cor. 4:13)

                          I have dividers with sections for scriptures, confessions,  prayers, my identity in Christ, articles that edify. 

                           Earlier in the year I thought I knew where I was going, wanted to go in all the areas of my life.  But I have so learned that life just happens and we have to make a detour.  As far as my health, I am already making necessary changes, but because of this, more intensely!  And that is a good thing!  I am "WANTING TO" because of the great mercy God has had upon me and my foolishness!   My trust is in God! I just know "HE'S  GOT  THIS!"